Monday, April 7, 2008

Left Facing Bird

At 10.15 pm in Rock Creek, Montana, Lucas Farrell, Greg Hill Jr., and Brandon Shimoda wrote to a number of writers, hoping to solicit work within the next four hours for a one-off online journal of contemporary poetry. They received and published work from 100 poets, which can be found at Left Facing Bird

That we are in April, and National Poetry Month, fills me with some lethargy: as much as I love finding new poems and poetry, my inbox is full of too many daily poetry e-mails to read. That said, I have to applaud those behind Left Facing Bird: it's not only a great idea, but a treasure trove of poems and poets that'll last long beyond April. It's going to take a while to read this one, and for that I'm glad.

So pass the link onto anyone you think might like to read a poem (especially if it's someone who wouldn't otherwise read a poem in April!). Recommend one, or tell them to pick at random. They're in for a treat.

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